Monday, April 28, 2008

MI's art

This was accomplished sometime last year. If you compare it to the bottom picture you can see her stick figures evolving. I will have more of these to share in the future.

This was done at the private preschool this year. You can see the maturity of the work.

This is among the first stick figures MI ever drew. MI didn't draw smiley faces until about a year ago. Before that the mouth was a straight line.

The gallery idea

After much thought I've decided to create a companion blog to my original blog site. The purpose of this blog is to provide for those distant friends and family a view into the creative life of my children. Forgive me but I really think my kiddoes are among the most creative children in the world. Which doesn't mean that other children aren't equally creative. It's just that these are my children.

In fact tonight ST told a story that had "chapters" to it. Her sisters were apparently already in on the prior installments. So I want to give everyone a chance to view their work. Please bear with me while I am learning to post pictures. I may even try some podcasting of ST's stories. We will see how this all works out as we go.

So here are the first random pics from my children. This is completely experimental in nature.

These first two pictures are from DQ and MI. MI did the girl drawing, and DQ did the paint spot. Since it is late and MI's pic didn't go to where I wanted it to I'm going to just post and be happy.